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Posts published in “Cacophony”

Move travelers but please don’t “movimentare viaggiatori”

A couple days ago I was glancing at a renowned brochure on client education, written originally in English, and for the first time I thought about taking a look at its official Italian translation. The Italian translation is generally good, however, at some point I couldn’t help notice a funny slip by the translator: The original “Each year, London’s Heathrow Airport moves over 65 million travelers from all parts of the world through its five terminals using internationally-recognized pictograms” has been translated with “Nel 2005 l’aeroporto di Heathrow (Londra) ha movimentato tra i suoi quattro terminal oltre 67 milioni di viaggiatori provenienti da tutte le parti del mondo, utilizzando esclusivamente simboli grafici concepiti per essere compresi con facilità dal più ampio pubblico internazionale.” What’s wrong? (I will skip the over 65 million travelers who have become over 67 million in Italian.)